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《珠西产城枢纽 世遗中国侨都——江门》(中文)(英文)20160817版,最新版!!



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01 A Survey of Jiangmen  江门概况  5
02 A Vibrant City  活力之城  17
03   A Blessed Land for Business  创业福地   45
04  Jiangmen as a Livable City    宜居城乡   59
05   Civilized Jiangmen  文明侨都   69
06   Jiangmen’s Tourist Attractions   旅游胜地   83
07   Service Information   服务信息   111


序   Preface

Here is a gathering place of historical and cultural splendors. The glory of the Tang-dynasty Marine Silk Route and the Song-Yuan Tragic Battle of Yamen can still be traced here. The modern reform leader Liang Qichao embarked from here onto the road to change the fate of China. The ancient philosophical master Chen Baisha, the modern democratic revolution pioneer Chen Shaobai, the famous patriotic leader of overseas Chinese Situ Meitang, China’s first aviator Feng Ru, the great modern oil painting master Li Tiefu, the giant of traditional Chinese learning Chen Yuan,… these great minds from Jiangmen form a shining constellation. 
Here is a happy livable city with the one-tree forest forming a birds’ paradise in the middle of the Tian-ma River, the Shang- and Xia-Chuan Islands in the boundless expanse of the sea, the misty wonderland of hot springs surrounded by green fields, ... ... and the jade-belt-like greenways threading through the woods, and the Riverside New District on the West River. Today, with its excellent environment of green hills and clear waters, the people of Jiangmen are forging ahead on a land of rapid progress, attracting the attention of the world. 
Jiangmen, a land of world cultural heritage and China’s biggest source region of overseas Chinese.


江门城市名片   Jiangmen s Accolades


The national civilized city
China's Outstanding Tourist City
National Garden City
National Hygienic City
 National Model City of Environmental Protection
China Human Habitation Demonstration Award
China's Dance City
National Pilot City for Informationization
National Double-support Model City
Trial City for the APEC RISE Program
China's Top Ten Cities in Green Economy
China Top 100 Cities in Comprehensive Strength



江门概况   A Survey of Jiangmen

地理区位  Geographic Location
Jiangmen, gateway to the West River and a pearl on the South China Sea, is located in the west of the Pearl River Delta, adjoining Zhongshan and Zhuhai to its east, Yangjiang to the west, Foshan and Yunfu to the north, facing the South China Sea, and in close proximity to the Hong Kong and Macao. It has a total land area of 9505.41 square kilometers and a resident population of 4,511,400.

历史沿革  History  
Jiangmen City is located at the confluence of the West River and the Pengjiang River, a tributary of the former. It derived its name from the two hills Penglai and Yandun which used to stand on the opposite sides of the Pengjiang River. Jiangmen had originally been governed by Xinhui County. In the early Ming era, Jiangmen had already become an important commercial town and meeting place of merchants. In 1904, the Jiangmen Customs House was set up at Beijie, enabling it to become one of the important coastal foreign trade ports of China.  In 1925 and 1951 it twice became a provincially-administered city.  In 1983, Jiangmen was set up as a prefectural-level municipality with counties under its jurisdiction.

行政区划   Administrative Division
Jiangmen at present has jurisdiction over the three districts of Pengjiang, Jianghai and Xinhui and the four county-level cities of Taishan, Kaiping, Heshan and Enping. The whole region is popularly known as Wuyi, meaning five counties.

Pengjiang District, with a land area of 321.79km2 and a registered resident population of about 482,500, lies on the north side of the Pengjiang River.
Jianghai District, with a land area of 109.16 km2 and a registered resident population of about 161,200, lies in the southeast of Jiangmen City.
Xinhui District is located in the southwest of Jiangmen. It is a famous cultural city of Guangdong and during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was called Gangzhou. In 1992 its status was changed from county to city and in 2002 it became a district of Jiangmen City. It has a land area of 1354.71 km2 and a registered resident population of 755,300.
原称新宁县,始建于1499年(明弘治十二年),1914年改名台山县,1992年撤县设市。面积3286. 3平方公里,户籍人口98.28万。
Taishan City was originally called Xin-ning County which was first set up in 1499 (the twelfth year of the Hongzhi Reign period of the Ming Dynasty). In 1914 it was renamed Taishan County and in 1992 it was elevated to a city. It has a land area of 3286.3 km2 and a registered resident population of 982,800.
Kaiping was first established as a county in 1649 (the sixth year of the Shunzhi Reign period of the Qing Dynasty) and in 1993 its status was changed to city. It has a land area of 1656.94 km2 and a registered resident population of 685,200.
Heshan was first set up as a county in 1731 (the ninth year of the Yongzheng Reign period of the Qing Dynasty) and in 1958 it was combined with Gaoming Country to form Gaohe County.  In 1981 it was separated from Gaoming and became Heshan County again.  In 1993 it was granted the status of a city. It now has a land area of 1082.73 km2 and a registered resident population of 366,500.
Enping was first established as a county in 220 (the 25th year of the Jiang’an reign period of the Eastern Han Dynasty) and in 1994 it was elevated from county to city. It has a land area of 1693.60 km2 and a registered resident population of 499,400.


资源气候  Resources and Climate

江门地处亚热带,气候温和,雨量充沛,年均气温22.2-22.9摄氏度,年均降雨量 2055 毫米左右,日照平均1700小时以上,无霜期在360天以上。
Jiangmen Municipality’s land area accounts for 5.32% of  Guangdong Province and about one quarter of the total area of the Pearl River Delta.
It is located in the subtropical zone with a mild climate and abundant rainfall. Its average annual temperature ranges between 22.2 and 22.9 degrees Celsius and its annual rainfall averages 2055 mm. It has about 1700 hours of sunshine annually and its frost-free period lasts more than 360 days. 
On its territory there are 26 rivers whose drainage area is over 100 km2, among which the Xijiang River (West River) and the Tanjiang River rank in the forefront in the province in terms of runoff. It tops all the prefectural-level cities in Guangdong in terms of the length of coastline (420km) and ranks second in the number of islands (561). Its total timber reserves stand at 19,905,000 cubic meters, its forestry area at 421500 hectares, its forest coverage rate at 44.79%, and its per capita green area at 17.6 square meters.

“中国第一侨乡” Jiangmen, China’s No. 1 Homeland of Overseas Chinese
Jiangmen Wuyi region is a famous source area of overseas Chinese and is extolled as “the No. 1 Homeland of Overseas Chinese”. Nearly 4 million Chinese of Jiangmen Wuyi origin reside in 107 countries and regions.
The overseas folks love their homeland and through charitable contributions, investment, industrial development and other means, have contributed to the development of their ancestral hometowns. So far, they have donated money and goods worth up to 7.07 billion Hong Kong dollars to charity and invested up to 19.659 billion U.S. dollars in their hometowns. 
Jiangmen’s unique emigration history has resulted in a brilliant culture featuring overseas elements. Traces of foreign influence can be found everywhere here from architecture to food, clothing, customs and manners.
Jiangmen has established Friendship City relationship with the American cities of Riverside, Mesa and Millbrae and the Australia city of Ararat and has developed friendly exchanges with a dozen other cities spread over seven countries and regions.

Kaiping diaolou and villages are located a world's cultural heritage

Kaiping city of kaiping diaolou, located in jiangmen, a total of 1833 seats, defense, live and Chinese and western architectural art in the integration of multi-layer tower type. In 2007, the "kaiping diaolou and villages" passed by the world heritage committee, officially listed in the "world heritage", become the first overseas Chinese cultural world heritage project in our country, also is the only world cultural heritage in guangdong province.


活力之城  A Vibrant City

Jiangmen, in accordance with the strategies of the provincial Party committee and government and with a view to building a happy Jiangmen region, is endeavoring to open “a door of reform” for Guangdong's new round of reform and development, "a door of convenience" for the west of Guangdong to enter the Pearl River Delta, and a “door of radiation” for the Pearl River Delta to connect the west of Guangdong, Guangxi and the greater southwest of China, to forge a new urban center and an economic center and innovation center in the West of the Pearl River Delta. Jiangmen is vibrating with vigor and vitality.
In 2013, Jiangmen achieved a number of breakthroughs: its GDP totaled 208.3 billion yuan, crossing the 200 billion barrier, its fixed investment reached 111.2 billion yuan, passing the 100 billion mark, its local general budget revenue amounted to 17.7 billion yuan, its total export-import volume exceeded 20 billion US dollars, its total volume of export exceeded 15 billion US dollar for the first time, and its total retail sales of consumer goods for the first time exceeded 100 billion yuan. Its total economic volume ranks among the foremost in the province.

重大部署  Major Strategies

“五个主动对接”  Five Active Connects
第一, 主动对接国家和省的重大发展部署和工作思路,特别是落实“珠江西岸战略”;
第三, 主动对接珠三角东西两岸和珠江西岸与粤西地区有机融合的交通网络建设,推进“交通大会战”;
Firstly, Jiangmen will take the initiative to connect with major national and provincial development strategies and train of thought, especially in implementing the Pearl River West Bank Strategy;
Secondly, Jiangmen will actively connect with “Outline of the Plan for the Reform and Development of the Pearl River Delta (2008-2020)";
Thirdly, Jiangmen will actively promoting the construction of the transport network to integrate the eastern and western parts of the Pearl River Delta and connect the west of the Pearl River Delta with the west of Guangdong province. 
Fourthly, Jiangmen will actively connect with Guangdong’s layout and construction of major projects featuring advanced equipment manufacturing as the focus;
Fifthly, Exploring the integration of industry and trade to achieve complementary advantages and taking advantage of neighboring cities’ platforms to realize development of each region’s advantageous industries.

Enhancing the East and Promoting the West 
to Achieve Coordinated Development
In order to deepen the "Three Sides” development strategy and promoting regional coordinated development, Jiangmen has mapped out the overall strategy of “Enhancing the East and Promoting the West for Coordinated Development”. “Enhancing the East' means integrating the east of Jiangmen (Pengjiang, Jianghai, Xinhui and Heshan) for quality enhancement and “Promoting the West” means promoting and coordinating the development of the west of Jianagmen (Taishan, Kaiping and Enping). In accordance with the "integration of the eastern parts and cooperative development of the western parts” principle, a comprehensive development policy for the eastern and western blocks has been formulated to promote optimal integration of resources and regional transportation, simultaneous industrial development, joint management of the environment, sharing of livelihood resources, with a view to achieving the higher development goal of building an integrated urban cluster and achieving simultaneous urban and industrial development.

“经九条”  Nine Measures

In order to promote economic development, shift the development approaches, steady growth, adjust the economic structure, promote reform, improve people's livelihood, Jiangmen government has formulated nine measures: to focus on introducing investment, push on industrial development, dig deep consumer potential, promote foreign trade, drive economy through innovation, revitalize development space, guarantee with policy, adhere to the bottom line, and strengthen supervision.

A Key Region for Developing Advanced Manufacturing 
in the Pearl River Delta

In January 2009, the Outline of the Plan for the Reform and Development of the Pearl River Delta (2008-2020) was promulgated for implementation, which designates Jiangmen as a region for developing advanced manufacturing. Driven by the "Outline", Jiangmen’s strategic and emerging industries are booming and its new energy, new light source, new materials, high-end equipment manufacturing, and green household appliances (new electronic information) industries are rapidly emerging.

In 2014, the Guangdong provincial government formulated the strategic plan to build the west of the Pearl River Delta into an advanced equipment manufacturing belt clearly designated Jiangmen as “the main battlefield”. It required Jiangmen to vigorously develop the advanced equipment manufacturing industry and strive to become a new growth point on the West Bank of the Pearl River. To implement the plan, Jiangmen municipal government promulgated formulate one program (Jiangmen Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Work Program (2014-2020)) and five action plans (leading enterprises cultivation plan, enterprise upgrading and transformation plan, industry platform expansion and efficiency-improving plan, major projects breakthrough plan, and production-city integration and revitalization plan). By 2020, Jiangmen’s annual output value of advanced equipment manufactured by industrial enterprises above a certain scale in Jiangmen will have exceeded 330 billion yuan.

核电新能源  台山核电项目是中国与法国共同开发建设的第三代先进核电技术项目。一期工程建设两台机组,单机容量175万千瓦,是目前世界上单机容量之最。
Nuclear Energy     The Taishan Nuclear Power Project is a third-generation advanced nuclear-powered one jointly developed by China and France. Its first phase project includes two units, each with a capacity of 1.75 million kilowatts, the largest in the world.

风电新能源 江门获得核准的风电场已有7个,合计发电机组383台,总装机容量34.57万千瓦。其中,端芬、汶村、广海、上川风水岭风电场和下川风电场已经投入使用。
Windpower Energy    Jiangmen has obtained approval to build 7 wind farms with a total of 383 generation units and a combined installed capacity of 345,700 kilowatts. Of these farms, the Duanfen, Wencun, Guanghai, the Shangchuan and Xiachuan Islands wind farms have been put into operation.

清洁能源(核电)装备产业  台山清洁能源(核电)产业园园区规划总面积8250亩,重点发展核岛和常规岛辅助设备、核电站外围设施制造以及核电辅助设备设计、研发、服务。预计2020年产值达220亿元。
Clean Energy (Nuclear Power) Equipment Industry     Taishan Clean Energy (Nuclear Power) Industrial Park, with a total planned area of 8250 mu (550 hectares), focuses on developing nuclear and conventional island auxiliary equipment, nuclear power station peripheral facilities as well as nuclear power auxiliary equipment design, research and development, and services. It is predicted that by 2020 its industrial production value will reach 22 billion yuan.

LED新光源  目前,从事绿色(半导体)光源生产的规模以上企业有100多家,相关联企业1000多家,2014年实现产值271.75亿元。上中游外延芯片产量在省内处于领先水平,外延芯片自主技术在国内处于领先地位。
The LED Industry   Currently, Jiangmen has more than 100 enterprises engaged in the production of green (semiconductor) lighting devices and more than 1,000 associated companies. In 2014, they achieved an output value of 27.175 billion yuan. Jiangmen’s output of epitaxial silicon chips leads the province and its related proprietary technology is in a leading position both domestically and internationally.

轨道交通车辆装备产业  广东南车轨道交通车辆修造基地项目顺利推进。一期工程建成后,将形成年新造城际动车组400辆,三级修65列/年,四五级修各35列/年的能力,成为珠三角地区轨道交通装备制造领域的龙头企业,城际动车组的核心修造基地。项目投产后预计带动形成上千亿元的产业规模。
Jiangmen’s Rail Vehicle Equipment Industry  The China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corp’s Guangdong Rail Vehicle Building and Repair Project is going on smoothly. After the first phase is completed, it will have developed an annual capacity for building 400 intercity EMUs and conducting third-level repair for 65 EMUs and forth-level and fifth-level repair for 35 EMUs respectively, and will become a leading manufacturing enterprise and a core building and repair base for EMUs in the Pearl River Delta. After the whole project is put into production, it is expected to generate an industrial scale worth up to a hundred billion yuan.

汽车零配件产业 江门是广东省重要的汽车零部件生产地之一,主要生产轮毂、千斤顶、动力转向器等50多种汽车零配件。车轮毂市场占有量均居国内同行业的领先地位。车桥龙头企业富华重工落户我市,将带动江门汽车零配件产业飞速发展。
The Automobile Spare Parts Industry     Jiangmen is one of the important auto parts production bases of Guangdong and manufactures over 50 kinds of auto spare parts including hubs, jacks, and steering units. The market share of its wheel hubs leads the country. The settlement of the leading enterprise in vehicle axles FUWA HEAVYINDUSTRIES CO.LTD in Taishan, Jiangmen will bring about the rapid development of Jiangmen's auto parts industry.

化纤新材料  江门传统支柱产业——化纤纺织在广东省排在第一,在全国排在第三位。这些传统产业成功发展了新型化工材料——用于航空、军工、深海作业的高强度特种纤维。
New Chemical Fiber Materials       Jiangmen's traditional pillar industry – the chemical fiber textile industry—ranks first in Guangdong and third in China. It has developed high-strength special fibers used in aviation, military equipment, and deep-sea operations.

绿色家电  江门狠抓绿色家电产业发展,着力打造经济新增长极,海信、金莱特电器、金源电器、汉宇电器陆续进驻江门,预计项目建成后产值将超1000亿元。
Green Household Appliances    Jiangmen has made vigorous efforts to develop a green home appliance industry and is striving to create new economic growth poles. Hisense, Kennede Electronics MFG Co., LTD, Jin Yuan Electrical Appliances, and HANYU have settled in Jiangmen, and after the completion of their projects, will generate an annual output value of over 100 billion yuan.
Jiangmen's relatively complete industrial system also includes the making of  motorcycles and motorcycle parts, textile and clothing, papermaking, foodstuff, packaging materials, bathroom hardware, printing, and electric machinery.

造船业   江门是广东省重要的船舶制造基地,主要发展中小型船舶产业,基本形成造船、修船、拆船及船务配套于一体的上下游完整产业链。
The Shipbuilding Industry    Jiangmen is an important shipbuilding base in Guangdong Province and mainly manufactures small and medium sized ships. It has basically formed a complete industrial chain featuring shipbuilding, ship repairing, ship-breaking and shipping service, integrating upstream and downstream enterprises.

Jiangmen currently has 17 national-level industrial bases, two national- and three provincial-level foreign trade transformation and upgrading demonstration bases, as well as the province's first national-level export product quality & safety demonstration area.

Jiangmen’s national-level industrial bases

★ National Small and Micro Enterprises Entrepreneurship and Innovation Base (Jiangmen)
★ The National Torch Program Jiangmen Textile and Chemical Fiber Industry Base 
★ The National Torch Program Jiangmen New Materials Industry Base 
★ China’s National Electronic Information Industry Jiangmen Base  
★ China's Auto Parts Industry Jiangmen Base
★ China’s National Torch Program Semiconductor Lighting Industry Jiangmen Base
★ China’s Bathroom Hardware Production Base (Duruan Town, Pengjiang District) 
★ China’s Stainless Steel Products Base (Xinhui District) 
★ China’s Ship-breaking Base (Xinhui District) 
★ China’s Foodstuff Production Base (Xinhui District)
★China’s Electric Energy Industry Base (Taishan)
★ China’s Textile and Clothing Industry Base (Kaiping) 
★ China’s Tap (Faucet) Production Base (Shuikou Town, Kaiping) 
★ China’s Printing Industry Base (Heshan)
★ China’s Men’s Shoes Production Base (Heshan)
★ China’s Microphone Production and Export Base (Enping)
★ China’s Nanometer Calcium Carbonate Industry Base


National-level Foreign Trade Transformation and Upgrading 
Demonstration Bases
※National-level Jiangmen Motorcycle Foreign Trade Transformation and 
Upgrading Demonstration Base
※Shuikou, Kaiping, Guangdong Bathroom Hardware Base



Jiangmen’s Provincial-level Foreign Trade Transformation and Upgrading 
Demonstration Bases
※Xinhui Hardware & Stainless Steel Products Base
※Heshan Printing Base
※Enping Microphone Base


National-level Product Quality & Safety Demonstration Area
※Jiangmen National-level Export Motorcycle Quality & Safety 
Demonstration Area

自主创新Independent Innovation

Jiangmen is a national-level advanced municipality in science and technology development and a national-level pilot city in intellectual property development.
The city has 1 national-level high-tech development zone, 3 National Torch Program industrial bases and 173 national-level high-tech enterprises. A number of private technology enterprises, corporate engineering and technology research and development centers, and technology incubators are asserting themselves. Its patent applications and approved patents are increasing year by year. In 2014, Jiangmen submitted 8348 patent applications, 5345 of which were granted.

Jiangmen has push forward the construction of public technical service platforms and has built three national-level testing centers or key laboratories for motorcycles, semiconductor optical-electrical products and machinery equipment respectively. It has also built a number of provincial-level testing stations for pulp- and paper-making and electro-acoustic products.

Jiangmen Greater Guanghai Bay Economic Zone
Located in the southeast of Jiangmen region, adjacent to Zhongshan and Zhuhai in the east, linking Yangjiang in the west, connecting the Jiangmen city proper in the north, and covering Xinhui District, the central south of Taishan, and the Hengbei Town of Enping, the total planned area of the Jiangmen Greater Guanghai Bay Economic Zone amounts to about 3240 square kilometers. Its core area centers round the Yinhu Bay and Guanghai Bay, with an area of about 520 square kilometers. The initial area is concentrated at the Yinhu Bay reclamation area, the Guanghai Bay reclamation area and the Shang- and Xia-chuan Islands, covering an area of 27.5 square kilometers.
On December 31, 2013, the "Master Plan for Developing the Jiangmen Greater Bay Economic Zone (2013-2030)” was approved by Guangdong provincial government. According to the overall plan, the zone will be built in the principle of scientific planning and step-by-step construction into a new engine for Guangdong's marine economy, a new growth pole for achieving the Pearl River Delta's leapfrog development, a hub for the Pearl River Delta to radiate to the southwest of China, a major platform for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation on the west bank of the Pearl River and an ecologically-friendly livable area rich with the local culture with characteristics of overseas Chinese. By 2030, its core area will be built into a comprehensive economic zone with complete functions, strong industrial competitiveness, and striking coastal features.

产业园区Industrial Parks

★National-level Jiangmen New- and High-tech Industrial Development Zone
Location: Jianghai District
By the end of 2014, the park had introduced a total of about 2000 enterprises, 1560 of which had gone into operation with an annual industrial output value of 37.577 billion yuan. It has developed the three pillar industries of electronic information, electromechanical machinery and fine chemicals. 135 of the enterprises belong to the high-tech category.

In future, the park will focus on the three leading categories of industry: strategic emerging industries featuring energy-saving light source technologies and biotechnology, high-value-added advanced manufacturing featuring electronic information, electrical-mechanical machinery, auto parts, and fine chemicals, and the modern service industry featuring modern logistics, e-commerce, headquarters economy, science and technology services, supporting services for commercial and residential buildings, and finance. The zone is expected to generate an annual output value of 100 billion yuan by the end of 2018, 80 billion yuan of which by industrial enterprises.

★Jiangmen Industrial Transfer Park
Location: Kaiping, Enping and Taishan
The park, with a total planned area of 1121.62 hectares, is Guagndong’s demonstrative industrial transfer park. It consists of the Kaiping, Enping and Taishan Sections. The Kaiping section focuses on the development of high-end hardware machinery and equipment manufacturing and the new fiber material textile industry and encourages the development of new materials. The Enping section focuses on the development of electronic information industry featuring new light sources, electrical and electronic audio-visual equipment and advanced machinery and equipment manufacturing, and will appropriately develop the new energy industry. The Taishan section focuses on the development of nuclear power equipment and advanced equipment manufacturing featuring auto parts. By the end of 2014, the park had introduced 285 projects with a total investment of 55.909 billion yuan.


★Binjiang (Riverside) New City
Location: Pengjiang District
The Binjiang (Riverside) New City is located in the northern part of Jiangmen City, with a planned area of 174.4 square kilometers and a planned population of 600,000. Its development orientation: Taking advantage of the West River, receiving the industrial radiation of Guangzhou and Foshan, playing the role of an innovation driving engine, and building a modern riverside  ecologically-friendly garden-style new city integrating big manufacturing, big data, and big health industries, and conducive to production, urban development and human development.
The southwest part of the district is the Jiangsha Advanced Manufacturing Demonstration Park, a branch of Jiangmen High-tech Zone with a planned area of 9.53 square kilometers. It focuses on the development of high-end precision electronics and health food industries. It is expected that by 2020 the park will achieve an annual industrial output value of over 100 billon yuan.
The southern part is the start-up zone with an area of 26 square kilometers, focusing on commercial and residential facilities and public facilities projects.
The central part is its functional area mainly responsible for undertaking municipal comprehensive public service and daily office operations. 
The northern part is an ecological tourism and leisure area designed as an important leisure tourism destination and an ecologically friendly livable district.

★ Xinhui Economic Development Zone
Location: Xinhui District
The Xinhui Economic Development Zone is one of the 10 biggest advanced economic development zones in Guangdong, a key park for private technology companies under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The zone now houses over 360 foreign-funded enterprises and domestic private industry and commerce enterprises. The Swiss ABB, Bao Yuan Optics Co. Ltd, JiangYu Group, Guang Neng Da Power Equipment Co. Ltd, Chongqing Lifan Motorcycle Production Base, and Guangdong Huaguan Steel have settled in the zone and it has developed 7 industries including power equipment, optical instruments, information industry, fine chemical industry, textile and clothing, steel smelting and hardware & stainless steel. In recent years, the zone's production has been increasing at an annual rate of more than 25% and it has become an important base for Xinhui to recruit investment and develop its port-surrounding economy.

★Taishan New Industrial Town 
Location: Taishan 
Taishan New Industrial Town is located in northern Taishan, with a total planned area of 138 square kilometers. In 2014 recruited 21 projects with a total investment of 1.62 billion yuan including a 5 billion yuan AVIC Special Equipment Corp. manufacturing base, a 8 billion yuan Guangdong Leixun New and Green Energy Co. Ltd project and a 3.2 billion yuan Huadian LNG project.

★Heshan Industrial Town 
Location: Heshan
Heshan Industrial Town currently has two sections (Hecheng and Zhishan) with a total area of 927.6521 hectares. It focuses on heavy equipment manufacturing featuring vehicle parts for special vehicles and new energy vehicles, and will also develop electronic information and new materials industries. Recently, Heshan city government has set about the 46 projects signed last year with a total investment of 22.6 billion yuan.

★Guangdong Rail Transportation Equipment Industrial Park
Location: Xinhui District
Guangdong Rail Transportation Equipment Park consists of an equipment– making-and-repair base and a supporting industrial base. Its preliminary planned area for use is 1300 mu (87 hectares) and its total planned area will reach 6600 mu (440 hectares). The base is designed to manufacture 140-, 160-, 200-kilo/hintercity EMUs and will provide rail vehicle frame repair and overhaul repair service. In 2013, the first Harmony intercity train made in Jiangmen went off the production line.

★Yinzhouhu Paper-making Base
Location: Xinhui District
Yinzhouhu Paper-making Base is one of the three paper-making bases planned by Guangdong province, one of the first batch of circular economy pilot spots and a member of China's second batch of circular economy pilot parks.
The base features paper-making and related industries and will be constructed in three five-year phases and involve a total investment of 98.1 billion yuan. It will achieve a production scale of 10.4 million tons of paper and paperboard. After a few years of development, the base has begun to take shape and is now home to 25 paper-making enterprises including Guangdong Huatai Paper Co., Ltd, Asia Pacific Paper, and Vinda Paper Co. Ltd.

★Yamen Electroplating Base
Location: Xinhui District
Yamen Electroplating Base is built in strict accordance with the unified planning by the provincial government and is up to environmental protection standards. Its leading industry is metal surface treatment for precision casting, machinery and electronics, hardware, plumbing equipment and auto parts. At present it contains over 30 enterprises.

Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce, 
and Enterprise Associations
   江门市行业协会和商会组织蓬勃发展,有各类行业协会、商会及企业联合会 143 家,著名的行业协会有江门市银行同业公会、江门市房地产行业协会、江门市建筑业协会和江门市交通运输行业协会等;著名的商会有江门外商投资企业协会、江门国际商会、江门市侨商总会、江门市浙江商会、江门市湖南商会、江门市福建商会、江门市江西商会、江门市广西商会、江门市潮资企业联谊会、江门民营企业资商会等。

In Jiangmen, industry associations and chambers of commerce are flourishing and serve as bridges between the corporate world and the government. They provide practical service for enterprises of their lines and promote local economic development and social progress. At present, there are 143 chambers of commerce, industry associations and enterprise associations. Its outstanding industry associations include Jiangmen Banking Association, Jiangmen Real Estate Industry Association, Jiangmen Construction Industry Association and Jiangmen Communication and Transportation Association and its well-known chambers of commerce include Jiangmen Foreign-Invested Enterprises Association, Jiangmen International Chamber of Commerce, Jiangmen Overseas Chinese-Funded Enterprises Association, Jiangmen Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, Jiangmen Hunan Chamber of Commerce, Jiangmen Fujian Chamber of Commerce, Jiangmen Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce, Jiangmen Guangxi Chamber of Commerce, Jiangmen Chouzhou Enterprises Association and Jiangmen Private Enterprises Association.

Guangdong’s "Rice Bag” and "Vegetable Basket"  
江门市是广东省的“米袋子”、“菜篮子”,珠三角都市群和港澳地区重要的农副产品供应基地。2014年,全市农业     增加值168.14亿元,农村居民人均纯收入12746元。
Jiangmen is Guangdong Province’s "rice bag" and "vegetable basket", providing agricultural produce for the Pearl River Delta cities, and Hong Kong and Macao. In 2014 Jiangmen increased its rural output value by 16.814 billion yuan and its rural per capita net income reached 12746 yuan.

现代农业Jiangmen's Modern Agriculture
Kaiping is Guangdong's first national-level modern agricultural demonstration zone and Jiangmen is Guangdong's pilot area in Guangdong-Taiwan agricultural cooperation.
Jiangmen's cultivated land has been maintained around 3 million mu or 200,000 hectares and is the second largest potato production base in Guangdong. There are five commodity grain bases in its three districts and four cities. Taishan, Kaiping and Enping are major grain producing areas in the province and national-level food production advanced units (advanced counties). Taishan has been known as "the first field in Guangdong". Jiangmen's numbers of hog and poultry rank fourth and third respectively in the province and Heshan, Pengjiang and Kaiping are nationally major hog supply bases. Jiangmen's output of aquatic products ranks fourth in the province and first in the Pearl River Delta. Jiangmen is also the hometown of the Chinese Koi; Taishan is the largest eel farming and export base of China; and Xinhui is the province's largest farming base of South American white prawns.

绿色食品Green Food

Jiangmen's agricultural products are green and healthy with good quality assurance and its high-quality agricultural product number and coverage rate rank among forefront in the province. Jiangmen possesses 19 organic food brands, 38 green food brands, 130 pollution-free agricultural products, and 2 agricultural products with geographical indications, and 29 famous agricultural product brands. In 2014, the sampling pass rate of its agricultural products exceeded 99.49%.

特色鲜明的第三产业Jiangmen’s Distinctive Tertiary Industry
Jiangmen’s tertiary industry featuring trade, logistics, tourism, convention and exhibition, finance, culture, catering and real estate is flourishing and its modern service has improved significantly.

旅游业Jiangmen’s Tourism

Jiangmen has well played its three trumps of tourism--diaolou towers, hot springs and islands--and actively interacted with Hong Kong and Macau and its tourism industry has been developing rapidly. In 2013, Jiangmen’s tourism industry yielded a revenue of 27.9 billion yuan, an increase of 25% and ranking fifth in the province. It received 37.9048 million tourist trips, an increase of 13.42% over the previous year.

现代物流业Jiangmen’s Modern Logistics

Jiangmen has 3,000 logistics-related enterprises. 
The one-stop Jiangmen Logistics Public Service platform is stationed in the Jiangmen Administrative Service Center. A number of logistic bases like Yinzhouhu, Heshan and New South District Logistics are under construction and world-class procurement platforms such as the Jiangmen Green Lighting Devices Trading Center, tap (faucet) & sanitaryware international procurement center, Yiwu Small Commodity Wholesale Center have been completed. Jiangmen’s status as a logistics staging area west of the Pearl River is now more prominent.

会展经济 Convention and Exhibition Economy


Zhuhai-Zhongshan-Jiangmen Import and Export Fair, Traditional Fine Furniture Appreciation Fair, Motorcycle Fair, Agricultural Products Fair, Xinhui Stainless Steel Products Fair, China (Shuikou) Bathroom Sanitaryware Fair, Kaiping Jeans Fashion Festival, and the Green (semiconductor) Light Sources Fair have become well-known brands. Jiangmen has been innovating its forms of investment recruitment and has achieved a leapfrog breakthrough by promoting key projects in groups.

文化产业  Jiangmen's Culture Industry


Printing has become Jiangmen's leading cultural industry. Heshan Leo Printing Company (China) is the largest printing company in China and ranks among Guangdong's first batch of Cultural Industry Demonstration Bases. 
Jiangmen has nurtured a number of animation companies and original animation brands like BENKO and Cai Li Fo which have become popular fashion darlings. 
Jiangmen's arts and crafts have developed their own distinctive features. Its palm leaf products and Baisha Maolong writing brushes are renowned at home and abroad. Its classic-style furniture made in Xinhui and Taishan is as famous as that made in Beijing and Jiangsu. A batch of Ming- and Qing-style furniture made in Xinhui and Taishan of rare mahogany has been collected by China's National Museum, the Great Hall of the People and the State Council.
Taishan's gem stones and Enping's Exotic Stone are extolled as treasures among stones.

A Blessed Land for Business


Jiangmen's Transportation and Locational Advantages


In Jiangmen there have been built 8 superhighways with a total traffic mileage of 379 kilometers, ranking in the forefront among the prefecture-level cities in Guangdong. The Guangzhou-Zhuhai intercity rail has been in operation. With the completion and operation of the Guangzhou-Zhongshan-Zhuhai Expressway, Jiangmen-Luoding Expressway, Zhongshan-Kaiping Expressway, Heshan-Kaiping Expressway, the southern extension of Xinhui-Taishan Expressway, Jiangmen-Shunde Bridge, the Guangzhou-Foshan-Jiangmen-Zhuhai Intercity Rail, Jiangmen-Enping Rail (including the Taishan extension), Guangzhou-Zhuhai Railway, and Shenzhen-Maoming Railway, Shenzhen-Zhongshan Expressway and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Jiangmen's position as transportation hub linking the Pearl River Delta to the west of Guangdong will be more prominent. 
Jiangmen is 95 nautical miles from Hong Kong and 53 nautical miles from Macao. It possesses the national Class-I freight ports of Xinhui and Guanghai (Taishan). Its Yinzhouhu waters are navigable for 10,000-ton ships and the Guanghai Bay and the Shang- and Xia-chuan Islands area are suitable for the construction of a 300.000-ton deep-water port.

江顺大桥  Jiangmen-Shunde Bridge

The bridge starts at Tianheding in Tangxia Town, Pengjiang District, crosses the West River and connects Xingtan Town, Shunde. It is one of the main projects of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Jiangmen fast track. The bridge has a total length of about 2250 meters, with three lanes on each side and built in accordance with standards for Class-I highway. The project was officially started on November 21, 2011 and the framework was completed on June 6, 2014, ahead of schedule. It is expected to be put into operation in 2015, by then the drive time from Jiangmen to Shunde will be shortened from 1 hour to 20 minutes.

江门大道Jiangmen Avenue

The  123-km Jiangmen Avenue involving an investment of 24 billion yuan will be a traffic-lights-free fast track, connecting Guangzhou-Foshan economic circle at the north end linking with the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge at Yamen via the Guangdong Western Coastal Superhighway. It will connect Pengjiang, Jianghai, Xinhui, and Heshan, the most economically developed areas in Jiangmen region, and genuinely form a 20-minute urban life circle. It will be of great significance in closely connecting Jiangmen and Foshan and promoting the integration of the Pearl River Delta, and the integration of production and cities.
The Pengjiang section (the northern section) of the avenue is already under construction and will have been completed by the end of 2015. The middle section (xinhui section) will be started in 2015 and the southern section will be completed in 2007.


深茂铁路Shenzhen-Maoming Railway


The Shenzhen-Maoming Railway starts at Shenzhen North Railway Station in the east, and ends at Maoming East Railway Station, via Shenzhen, Dong-guan, Guangzhou (Nansha), Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Yangjiang, and Maoming, with a total length of 390 km. It will be built as a double railway designed for 200 km / h trains. The Jiangmen-Maoming section which was started on June 28, 2014 will pass through Xinhui, Taishan, Kaiping, Enping and Yangjiang and ends at Maoming. It has a length of 265.5 km and involves an investment of 28.3 billion yuan. The 109 km long section within Jiangmen region involves an investment of 12.6 billion yuan; it will have seven stations set up: Jiangmen South, Shuangshui, Taishan, Kaiping, Xiangang, Enping, Dahuai (Xiangang as reserved overtaking station).
After the completion and operation of Shenzhen-Maoming Railway, travel time from Jiangmen to Maoming will be reduced to within 2 hours from the present 4.

土地供给优势Jiangmen’s Advantages in Land Supply

江门土地资源在珠三角得天独厚,已开发的建设用地比例仅占11.24%,是先发地区的1/3乃至1/4。全市还, , 有未利用地666平方公里,占土地总面积7.69%。
Jiangmen is well-endowed in land resources: the proportion of its developed land for construction accounts for only 11.24% of its total land, about 1/3 or even 1/4 of the ration of other advanced municipalities in the Pearl River Delta. Jiangmen still has 666 square kilometers of unused land, accounting for 7.69% of its total land area.

能源基地优势Jiangmen’s Advantages in Energy

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江门, 是中国电能源产业基地,电力总装机至“十二五”可达1900万千瓦,是珠三角供电形势最好的城市。<, BR>台山市是我国第一个“点对多点”直购电试点地区,纳入直购电试点企业的工业用电价格平均可降0.11元/千瓦。
Jiangmen is one of China’s electric energy bases; its total installed capacity will be up to 19 million kilowatts by the end of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period and it will be the most amply-supplied municipality in power in the Pearl River Delta. 
Taishan is China’s first pilot area for "single point-to-multiple points" direct purchase of electricity and enterprises incorporated in the program can enjoy a discount of 0.11 yuan / kw in their power consumption.
Taishan , Kaiping , Enping falls into the category of cheaper power price zone covering the east and west wings of Guangdong and most of its enterprises can enjoy a price discount of 10% in power consumption.

人力资源优势Jiangmen’s Advantages in Human resources

江门市是广东省开展职业教育最好的地级市之一,职业教育培训体系完善,技能人才储备丰富。截止到2014年底,全市技能人才总量53.8万人,其中,高技能人才8.51万人,高技能人才总量占技能人才总量的15.8%。全市拥有技工院校 3 所,高技能人才公共实训基地3家,其中,省级高技能人才公共实训基地1家。全市建立各类职业培训机构46家,开展培训工种165个,基本形成覆盖城乡,涵盖初、中、高、技师和高级技师等各技能等级的职业技能培训网络。
Jiangmen is one of the best municipalities in Guangdong Province in terms of vocational education. It has established a developed system for training high-skilled workers and has built rich reserves of technical talents. By the end of 2014, it had accumulated a reserve of 538,000 skilled personnel, of whom 85,100 were high-skilled, a proportion of 15.8%.  It has 3 technicians institutes and 3 public practical training bases for high-skilled workers, of which 1 is a provincial-level one. Jiangmen has established 46 vocational training institutions for 165 types of work. A vocational training network covering both rural and urban areas and all levels of skills has developed.

环境比较优势 Jiangmen’s Advantages in Environmental Capacity


Jiangmen is one of the municipalities in the Pearl River Delta region with relatively good environmental quality. The water quality of its major rivers still maintains at Class II and III standards. The quality compliance rate of water in its urban areas and of its sources of drinking water is 100%. The annual ratio of its good air quality days is 71%; its forest coverage rate is 45.32% and its urban sewage treatment rate is 85%. Jiangmen’s rate of harmless treatment of urban living garbage reached 100%.
In 2012Jiangmen passed the review of its status as a national environmental protection model city.

   政府服务优势Jiangmen’s Advantages in Government Services

Jiangmen’s “one-stop” and "one network" approval system and its "12345" hotline and other service-oriented government initiatives have won the recognition of authoritative certification institutions at home and abroad. The 2010 Guangdong survey of local government service indicated that Jiangmen ranked second provincially in citizens’ rate of satisfaction with government service.


Government Service Hotline 12345
On the principle of "Unified Answering, Implementing according to Duties Specified, Settling within Time Limits, Unified Supervision and Unified Assessment”, the hotline fully accept and handle citizens' urgent consulting, calls for help, suggestions and complaints regarding government affairs and public service. Also online mayor mailbox and telephone number (15907501111), SMS, microblog, and Wechat accounts are also available for citizens to seek help, offer suggestions, and lodge complaints. 

Jiangmen Administrative Service Center
Jiangmen Municipal Administrative Service Center, established in February 1997, was the province's first comprehensive administrative services agency.
The center works on the model of “One Building, One Reception Window for Handling and One for Charges Collection, One-net-type approval, and One Stop Service” and at present, 60 government agencies have set up offices in the center. It provides various types of services, mainly examination, approval and issuing of certificates and building application approval.


Jiangmen Public Resources Trading Center
The center as the service platform designated by the municipal government for the transaction of public resources is responsible for the unified transaction of public resources and for handling bids for transportation and water conservancy projects in Jiangmen region and provides relevant advice and services. Its main business scope covers government procurement, construction projects bidding processing, land and mining rights trading, and property transactions.
For more information, access the center's portal web site (zyjy.jiangmen.gov.cn) or its business window (address: third floor of Jiangamen Administrative Service Center). 

用地优惠Preferential Policy in Land Use

The minimum price for industrial land transfer: 224,000 yuan/mu in Pengjiang and Jianghai Districts, 168,000 yuan/mu in Xinhui District, Taishan and Kaiping, and 136,000 yuan/mu in Enping and Heshan. 
Rental price for standard factory workshops is 10-15 yuan/square meter.


Preferential Policies for Attracting Talent

★对引进的两院院士、国家重大科技项目首席科学家、重大工程项目首席工程技术专家或管理专家,由财政一次性发放50万元专项工作经费。与用人单位签订3 年以上工作合同并落户江门的,由财政一次性发放50万元(税后)住房补贴。
★ 建立了高层次人才‘一站式’服务平台,服务项目涉及学历学位认证、落户、子女入学、配偶就业、税收减免等25项内容,对引进高层次人才开辟‘绿色通道’,解决其在江门工作、生活的后顾之忧。
★对调入市区的符合江门特色产业发展和科研、教学等需要的具有博士学位或具有正高职称的人员,在市区工作满三年并在市区购买住房的,由财政发放一次性购房补贴5 万元 。

Starting in 2010, Jiangmen Municipality has successively issued a series of policies for attracting high-caliber personnel.
★The government treasury will allocate a special working fund of 40 to 50 million yuan to each world-class innovative research team that can significantly enhance Jiangmen’s emerging and strategic industries and can create major economic and social benefits, a 15 million to 25 million yuan special fund for such a domestic top-caliber and international-level advanced innovation and research team, and a 5 to 10 million yuan working fund to such a provincially leading team;
★Pay a one-time working fund of 500,000 yuan to academicians (of Chinese Academy of Sciences or Engineering), chief scientists of major national science and technology projects or chief engineers or management experts of major engineering projects if they come to work in Jiangmen, and a one-time 500,000 yuan housing subsidy if they sign a three-year or above employment contract with an employer in Jiangmen and relocate to Jiangmen;
★Grant the "Jiangmen Outstanding Experts Award" to recognize experts who have offered outstanding contributions to Jiangmen and reward them a bonus of 500,000 yuan which can be increased if the contributions are extraordinary;
★Offer one-stop service to high-caliber personnel and open green channels for the employment of their spouses and the schooling of their children so that they can concentrate on their work worry-free;
★Construct special apartments to meet the temporary housing needs of high-level talent introduced to Jiangmen;
★And provide a one-time housing purchase subsidy of 50000 yuan to doctoral degree holders or senior academic title holders who accord with the needs of Jiangmen industrial development and scientific research and teaching if they have worked three full years and buy properties in Jiangmen urban area.


Jiangmen as a Livable City 

Jiangmen has been vigorously promoting its resource-saving and environment-friendly urban development and its atmospheric quality, urban noise control, air quality, and drinking water are all up to or exceed national standards and it has been hailed by the World Bank as an example of sustainable development for developing countries. It enjoys the reputation as the “Oasis” in the Pearl River Delta Region and is called a “green city in the forest”with forests in the city. 
Jiangmen is progressing steadily in the building of a new socialist countryside. All roads leading to its villages have been paved; all its rural population have access to safe drinking water; all its towns have set up hospital and health centers serving all administrative villages; and all its rural population has been covered by its social security net.
Jiangmen has been promoting the integration of urban and rural areas into a basic medical insurance system and has realized uniform basic medical treatment for both its urban and rural residents.
Jiangmen is the first in the province to have established a public employment service system covering 100% of its towns and subdistricts.

森林围城,树林进城A Green City  

In 2012, Jiangmen launched the initiative of “surrounding the city with forests and planting forests within the city” designed to green the city in three dimensions. Jiangmen government has promulgated "Plan for Conserving and Utilizing Hills in Urban Areas in Jiangmen” and “Management Regulations for Hills Conservation and Utilization”. According to the plan, 186 hills with a total area of 145 square kilometers will be under protection.
At present, Jiangmen region possesses forested areas totaling 6.66 million mu (444,000 hectares), of which 2.44 million mu is non-commercial forests.  In 2014, the provincial government awarded Jiangmen the title of “Guangdong’s Forestry Ecological City”.


The East Lake Park and East Lake Square 
Located at the center of Jiangmen city and with a total area of 53 hectares including 17 hectares of water surface, the park is one of the eight most attractive sights in Jiangmen and is dubbed the “Lung” of the city. 
The East Lake Square covers an area of 40,000 square meters and is the main venue in Jiangmen for various cultural and artistic performances. It has been voted as a "National-level Culture Square of Special Characteristics".
Starting on July 1, 2014, the East Lake Park is open to the public for free. .

Changdi (Long Dike) Historical Street 
The 1040-meter commercial street is an important witness of the development of Jiangmen and has been restored to its original splendor.

Jiangmen Wuyi Overseas Chinese Square
Located in the North New District of Jiangmen, the square covers an area of 81,766 square meters and consists of a convention center, an exhibition center and six halls which house the Jiangmen Wuyi Overseas Chinese Museum, Jiangmen Art Gallery, and Jiangmen City Planning Exhibition Hall.


Yuanbaoshan Sports Park
Located in the north of Jiangmen city proper, the sports spark features outdoor fitness, green surroundings, leisure and entertainment facilities and boasts high-standard basketball courts, five-a-side football fields, outdoor table tennis tables, a 500-meter runway, a cycleway, and a fitness walking trail. In addition, it has set up a waterfront activity area, a leisure area, a beach water sporting area, a children's play area and a mountaineering zone.
In January 2014, the second and third phases of the sports park involving an investment of about 27 million yuan were officially opened, indicating that it has become a comprehensive sports center integrating outdoor fitness, green ecology, leisure and entertainment.

The Jade Lake Park 
Located at the south foot of the Guifeng Mountain and featuring the Jade Lake, a peach island and a botanical garden, the park is a major destination in Xinhui District for leisure and day trips. Its night view is the most brilliant and attractive in Jiangmen region.

Gangzhou Square 
The square, covering more than 20,000 square meters in the center of the urban Xinhui, is a large modern urban cultural square suitable for leisure activities and cultural entertainment.

Celebrities Square 
Located in the central urban Xinhui and covering a land area of 40,000 square meters, the square is a window for displaying the history and culture of Xinhui as a hometown of China’s folk art and is an important stage for the masses to hold cultural activities and exhibit their artistic talent.


平安江门  A Peaceful Jiangmen

In recent years, Jiangmen has been pushing forward the “Peaceful and Happy Jiangmen” campaign combining precautions and crackdown, and has built a well-developed social security prevention and control system. Jiangmen has a low crime rate and enjoys good social order and its citizens have a good sense of security.  “Good order and sense of security” have become a brand of Jiangmen city.




文明侨都Civilized Jiangmen

In 2006 Jiangmen launched the civilized city campaign and in 2008 it won the title of "Advanced City in Building a National-level Civilized City".  In 2011, Jiangmen was bestowed the honor of “National-level Civilized City” by the Central Spiritual Civilization Steering Committee.

China (Jiangmen) Overseas Chinese Carnival 
"China (Jiangmen) Overseas Chinese Carnival" was started in 2004 and is held every two years. So far five sessions have been held. The festival is a showcase to display Jiangmen’s new achievements in development and building and its charms and splendors through a series of economic, trade, culture, and tourism activities. It provides a platform to connect Chinese around the world, to enable them to further understand their motherland, and to attract world’s attention to China and to Jiangmen.

World (Jiangmen) Youth Conference
The World (Jiangmen) Youth Conference is a forum featuring youth elite of Jiangmen origin as the main body, aiming at uniting overseas Chinese youths around the world, promoting mutual communication and win-win cooperation. It is held every two years, hosted in turns by Chinese associations or its branches around the world. The fourth conference was hosted by Hong Kong Wuyi Youth Club in December 2014. The conference strengthened the ties between Jiangmen and youth around the world and has polished Jiangmen's brand of "China's No. Homeland of Overseas Chinese". .

Social Work Services
Jiangmen's social work is flourishing. Social work institutions, comprehensive family service centers, and home care centers are mushrooming to provide services for the youth, the elderly, and the disabled, and other professional social work service that are badly needed by the masses.

Volunteer Services 
Jiangmen Federation of Volunteers was founded in November 2006 and up to now it has set up 133 community service stations with over 1600 volunteer teams embracing 306,000 registered members. They have served over 1.6 million times totaling 1,516,000 hours. 
The federation with "spreading civilization and passing love" as its purpose has carried out rich and varied service activities to help disadvantaged groups. It actively mobilizes the citizens to participate in such activities as helping the disabled, pairing with and helping poor households, tree planting and green preservation, charity auctions and surveys of the living conditions of welfare-receiving households and other community services. It has successfully forged a "12355 hotline” offering consumer protection and psychological counseling to youth, and created programs like "Health Through-Train","10,000 Volunteers Offering Love", "Helping Impoverished Children Realize the Dream of Education", "Seedlings Protecting Action" and "Wuyi Family", "Family Warmth Action”, “Volunteers’ ‘e’ Station” and "Tutoring and Aiding Studies” and has carried forward the volunteer spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual aid, and progress".
Every year, on the first Saturday following the conclusion of the annual session of Jiangmen People’s Congress and Political Consultative Conference, all the municipal leadership members will take part in volunteer activities to promote charity by example.

Jiangmen Wuyi region has the fine tradition of practicing benevolence and charity and there have emerged a number of well-known charity groups like Wuyi Charity Foundation. A number of charity brands like “10,000 People Charity Parade”, "Love Bridge”, ”One Yuan a Day Charity”, “Love Deposit Certificate"," Xinhui Yu Tai Temple Chinese Medicine Charity Clinic", "Charity Donation Day", and "Assisting 1000 Poor Students" have been created. Thus Jiangmen’s charity cause ranks in the forefront in Guangdong.
In 2009, at the "Fifteenth Anniversary of the Founding of China Charity Federation and Conference for Recognizing Outstanding Philanthropists”, Jiangmen ranked the foremost in Guangdong in terms of philanthropy awards and honors. The number of its “China Charity Outstanding Individuals Awards", "China Charity Outstanding Contribution Units (Enterprises) Awards", and "China Charity Outstanding Projects Awards" accounted for 1/2, 1/3 and 1/3 of the total awards won by Guangdong province.

“慈善公益万人行”活动自2004年起,至今已举办了10届,成为江门慈善事业的响亮品牌。每年农历正月十五日,机关干部、企事单位干部职工、学生、军人以及华侨华人、港澳同胞游行宣传,发动全社会参与慈善募捐。募集到的慈善捐款主要用于助困、助学、助医、助残、助就业。从 2015 年起, 慈善公益万人行活动与广东扶贫济困日活动整合为全市慈善公益活动, 并确定每年 6 月份为我市慈善公益活动月 。
The 100,000-People Charity Parade
The parade has been held every year since 2004 and has become a resounding brand of Jiangmen’s charity cause. Every year on the 15th of the first lunar month, government cadres, employees of institutions and enterprises, students, military personnel, overseas Chinese, and some Hong Kong and Macao compatriots will take part in the parade to promote charity and encourage charitable donations. 
Charitable donations are raised mainly for helping the needy, the disabled and poor students, and for medical aid and for promoting employment. From 2015 onwards, the charity parade will be combined with the Guangdong Poverty Relief Day as Jiangmen’s charity day and June of every year has been designated as Jiangmen’s charity month.

设立 “ 荣誉市民 ” 授荣制度, 表彰在促进我市社会文明发展慈善公益事业、 对外友好交往、经济科技建设等方面做出突出贡献的海外侨胞、外籍人士和国内人士。自1993年以来,我市先后共授予了8批700位海内外人士“江门市荣誉市民”称号。
Jiangmen's Honorary Citizens
Jiangmen has set up an honorary citizen awarding system. People, whether overseas Chinese or Chinese citizens, who have made outstanding contributions in promoting Jianagmen's foreign exchanges, or philanthropy and social and economic development, will be awarded the title of "honorary citizen". Since 1993, it has awarded the “Jiangmen's Honorary Citizen” title to 8 batches of people totaling 700.

Jiangmen Wuyi Overseas Chinese Museum (Guangdong Overseas Chinese Museum) 
The museum is located within the Overseas Chinese Square and has a floor space of nearly 10,000 square meters. Currently it houses over 39,000 pieces of relics and is the largest of its kind in terms of the number of relics and contents in the country. Its "Overseas Chinese History Exhibition” vividly exhibits the relics and historical stories by means of sound, light, and electricity coupled with appropriate scene reproductions.

Academicians Avenue 
Located in the vicinity of the Overseas Chinese Square, it is the first avenue in China named after academicians of the Chinese Academies of Sciences and Engineering. 32 academicians of Jiangmen Wuyi origin have their statues posted along the avenue.

Labor Square
Jiangmen Labor Square is located in Jianghai Disstrict’s Fushan Park featuring statues of workers, handprints of Jiangmen’s national-level model workers, a wall devoted to provincial-level model workers, stone inscriptions depicting work scenes, and a forest planted by model workers. It is a theme park displaying the aspects of working people represented by model workers.

Jiangmen Stars Park 
The theme park located by Jiangmen Wuyi Cultural Square and covering an area of 21 mu (1.4 hectares) is devoted to demonstrating the mien of performing arts stars of Jiangmen Wuyi origin. It exhibits the styles of the stars by means of sculptures, videos and fingerprints.

Jiangmen’s Well-developed Education 
Jiangmen is one of the municipalities in Guangdong with developed education. It has 3 Advanced Districts in Promoting Modern Education, 7 Cities or Counties Strong in Education, 7 Cities or Districts with Evenly Developed Compulsory Education and 71 towns (subdistricts) having achieved overall quality education for their school-age children. In recent years, Jiangmen’s primary school enrollment rate of school-age children has maintained at 100%, and the enrollment rate of its high school-age students has been above 97.78%. In 2014, 86.15% of its high school graduates entered college and the number of students admitted to four-year colleges and universities reached 12045, a record high.

Wuyi University
Wuyi University is a full-time comprehensive university with 17 teaching departments offering 45 undergraduate programs in the 7 categories of economics, juriprudence, literature, science, engineering, management science and fine arts. It is authorized to award master degrees in 6 first-level disciplines covering 27 programs and engineering master degrees in 4 disciplines. The university has now created four national-level and eight provincial-level programs with special characteristics, a national-level “Revitalize the nation through science and education" demonstration base, a provincial-level overseas Chinese culture research base and a Chinese culture heritage base. 
The school recruits undergraduate students from 21 provinces, autonomous regions,  municipalities, and Hong Kong and Macao, and recruits post-graduate students from the whole country. It now has an enrollment of over 24000 students, including about 18,000 full-time graduate and undergraduate students.

Jiangmen Polytechnic College
Jiangmen Polytechnic College is a full-time public institute of higher learning. It has founded 8 teaching departments and offers 82 programs and orientations in science, engineering, humanities, management and fine arts, catering to the needs of local society and pillar industries. Currently, it has an enrolment of nearly 13000 students.
The school has national-level and provincial-level vocational education training bases. Over the past five years, the overall employment rate of the school's graduates has remained above 99%. It was rated as "advanced collective of the employment of college graduates in Guangdong Province" and a national-level "Charming Campus" among vocational colleges. .


Sports in Jiangmen
Jiangmen's sport cause has been flourishing and it has produced the Olympics champions Chen Xiaomin and Li Shanshan, Paralympics Champions Li Hanhua and Liu Liangfu, and world champions Li Hongli and Yu Zhuocheng.
Jiangmen's public sports service system has been improving and the number of its mass sports and fitness venues continues to increase. By December 2014, the city's per capita sports and fitness area had reached 2.49 square meters.
Jiangmen's excellent sports facilities and physical fitness environment have attracted China's national tennis training center to settle here. Jiangmen has been awarded honors like "National Advanced City in Community Sports”, ”National Advanced Sports Town", and "National Advanced Town in Universal Wellness and Fitness”. Guangdong's second sports meeting and second farmers' sports meet were held in Jiangmen.
Taishan is known as "the hometown of volleyball” in China and Premier Zhou Enlai once said that half of China's volleyball players came from Taishan.
Mass sports activities flourish in Jiangmen. In 2014, it held the second sport walking marathon contest and over 13000 people attended.











Jiangmen’s Tourist Attractions

Jiangmen is "China's Outstanding Tourist City” and "Land of Hot springs", and ranked among the 2011 "China 100 Top Cities in Tourism Competitiveness”. It boasts the world's cultural heritage site Kaiping Diaolou and Villages, 9 national 4A’s tourist areas, 2 national-level forest parks, 2 national units of historical relics under key protection, 1 national geothermal park, and 2 national-level industrial and agricultural tourism demonstration bases.

绿道Green Roads
Jiangmen has built a number of green roads with a total length of 296.4 km, of which the No. 3 and No. 6 run through Jiangmen's main scenic areas and connect with the green roads of neighboring cities in the Pearl River Delta. They form a network covering the urban and rural areas of the Pearl River Delta. 
338.4 kilometers of its urban green roads connects its urban communities and outskirts, combining its natural landscape and history and culture sites. The roads are also great places of green recreation.

开平碉楼与村落Kaiping Diaolou and Villages

地址:开平市百合镇        电话:0750-2511338
地址:开平市蚬冈镇        电话:0750-2522588
地址:开平市塘口镇  电话:0750-2679078
Kaiping Diaolou and Villages is Guangdong's first World Heritage site. Diaolou towers are a type of multi-storey tower-style local structures combining the functions of defense and dwelling. They were mostly built in the 1920s and 30s and are the witness of the initiatives of Overseas Chinese and local people to accept advanced foreign cultures. At the peak time, there were over 3,000 towers, 1833 of which still stand today. 
Main Site No. 1: Majianglong Diaolou Group 
Address: Baihe Town, Kaiping City
Tel: 0750 -2511338
Main Site No. 2: Jinjiangli Diaolou Group 
Address: Xiangang Town, Kaiping City
Tel: 0750-2522588
Main Site No. 3: Kaiping Zili Village Diaolou Group
Address: Tangkou Town, Kaiping City,
Tel: 0750-2679078

National-level Intangible Cultural Heritage Items
Jiangmen now possesses 7 national-level, 24 provincial-level, 
and 49 municipal-level intangible cultural heritage items.

 国家级(7项) 省  级(24项) 市  级(49项)
市直 白沙茅龙笔 白沙茅龙笔制作技艺 白沙茅龙笔制作技艺
蓬江区 荷塘纱龙 荷塘纱龙
江门东艺宫灯制作技艺 荷塘纱龙
江海区  礼乐龙舟 礼乐龙舟
新会区 蔡李佛拳
新会葵艺 蔡李佛拳
小冈香制作技艺 蔡李佛拳
恩平市  恩平民歌
茶坑石雕刻技艺 恩平木鱼
开平市 泮村灯会 泮村灯会
开平民歌 泮村灯会
鹤山市  鹤山狮艺
陈山火龙香火龙习俗 鹤山狮艺
台山市 台山广东音乐
台山浮石飘色 台山广东音乐
台山大江古典家具制作技艺 台山广东音乐

National-level Intangible Cultural Heritage Items
Jiangmen now possesses 7 national-level, 24 provincial-level, and 49 municipal-level intangible cultural heritage items.

Table of Jiangmen’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Items 
 National-level (7) Provincial-level (24) Municipal-level (49)
Jiangmen Baisha Maolong Writing Brush Baisha Maolong Writing Brush Production Techniques Baisha Maolong Writing Brush production Techniques
Pengjiang District Hetang Hetang Gauze Dragon Dance
Jiangmen Dongyi Palace Lantern Production Techniques Hetang Gauze Dragon Dance
Jiangmen Dongyi Palace Lantern Production Techniques
Hongsheng Temple Fair 
Zhou-style Boxing 
District  Liyue Dragon Boat Race Liyue Dragon Boat Race;
Waihai Noodle-Making Process; Waihai Taishu (Void) Boxing
Xinhui District Xinhui Cai Li Fo Boxing; Xinhui Palm Leaf Processing Xinhui Cai Li Fo Boxing; Xinhui Palm Leaf Processing; Legend of the Battle of Yamen; Xinhui dried mandarin orange peel; Xinhui classic-style furniture; Stories of Chen Mengji
Xiaogang Joss Stick Production Craft Xinhui Cai Li Fo Boxing; Xinhui Palm Leaf Processing; Legend of the Battle of Yamen; Xinhui Classic-style Furniture Production Techniques; Xinhui dried mandarin orange peel processing; Xinhui Fishing Lanterns; Shuangshui Mountain Kites; Shuangshui Banana Tree Dragon; Sanjiang Swimming Dragon; Da-Ao Salt Water Songs; Siqian Golden Dragon; Gujin Roast Geese;  Xiaogang Incense Stick Processing; Stories of Chen Mengji
Dayou Preserved Fruit Production Craft 
Enping City  Enping Folk Songs 
Chakeng Stone Sculpture 
 Enping Wooden Fish; Xiema Village Learning Encouragement Scheme; Angling Folk Songs
Kaiping City The Pancun Village Lantern Party Kaiping Folk Songs
The Pancun Village Lantern Party; Sanbu Lion Dance and Drum Beating The Pancun Village Lantern Party; Sanbu Lion Dance and Drum Beating; Kaiping Folk Songs; Kaiping Chicken-selling Ballads; Guanghe Fermented Beancurd; Situ Hao Writing Brushes;
Heshan City  Heshan Lion Dance; Yongchun Boxing; Dong-gu Brand Sauce Series Production techniques
Chenshan Night Fiery Dragon Parade Heshan Lion Dance; Yongchun Boxing; Chenshan Fire Dragon; Gulao Sanjia Soaring Dragon; Gulao Sauce Processing; Yuqiao Folk Art Festival
Taishan City Taishan Guangdong Music; The Parade of Colorful Figures at Fushi Taishan Guangdong Music; The Parade of Colorful Figures at Fushi; Dajiang Classic-style Furniture Making Taishan Guangdong Music; The Parade of Colorful Figures at Fushi; Dajiang Classic-style Furniture;  Tiao He Lou (Harvest) Singing Festival; Beating the Dragon Boat Festival; Taishan Volleyball; Chonglou Weaving; Wencun Village Temple Fair; Taishan Folk Songs

国家AAAA级景区Jiangmen's National-level 4A's Scenic Spots


★ Shang- and Xia-chuan Islands Resorts 
Located in the sea south of Taishan’s mainland seacoast and consisting of two main islands and 26 small islands, the zone contains ideal natural bathing beaches and is known as the "Oriental Hawaii.”
1. Shang-chuan Island Flying Sand Beach 
Address: Shang-chuan Island, Chuandao Town, Taishan City     
Tel: 0750 -5399328 
2. Xia-chuan Island Wangfuzhou Tourist Area
Address: Xia-chuan Island, Chuandao Town, Taishan City       
 Tel: 0750 -5755188

★ Liyuan Garden, Kaiping 
Located in Tangkou Town, Kaiping, the garden’s Grand-view Park-style architecture blends European and American architectural elements and oriental decorative arts and is thus a landscaping wonder. 
Address: Tangkou Town, Kaiping City
Tel: 0750-2677222

 地址:新会区圭峰山   电话:0750-6173313
★ Guifeng Mountain National Forest Park 
Located north of Huicheng Town, Xinhui District, the resort has an alpine lake, dense forests, a large temple, a hill-foot lake and a sports garden, each with its distinctive features. 
Address: Guifeng Mountain, Xinhui District
Tel: 0750—6173313

地址:恩平市大田镇        电话:0750-7333333    
★  Jinjiang Hot Spring Resort 
Located in a national-level geothermal park in the northwest of Enping, the resort features "surf spas" and "Hot Spring rafting". 
Address: Datian Town, Enping City

地址:新会区崖门镇石达村        电话:0750-6452222    
★Gudou Hot Springs Resort 
The resort consists of a hotspring valley featuring the Chinese Tang Dynasty-, European- and Japanese-style hot spring resort areas, an international conference center and high-end villas. 
Address: Shida Village, Yamen Town, Xinhui District
Tel: 0750 -6452222

地址:恩平市那吉镇   电话:0750-7281188    
★Jinshan Hot Spring Resort 
Located at Naji Town, Enping, the resort has more than 300 open-air hot springs and more than 20 hot spring pools. 
Address: Naji Town, Enping City
Tel: 0750 -7281188

地址:台山市都斛镇        电话:0750-5258888
★ Fortune (Fudu) Hotspring Resort, Taishan 
The resort has over 100 hot-spring pools and features unique flying snow 
Address: Duhu Town, Taishan City    Tel: 0750-5258888

地址:台山市白沙镇朗南铜锣地村    电话:0750-5813888
★ Kangqiao (Dreamland) Hot Spring Resort, Taishan
Located at Langnan Tongluodi Village, Baisha Town, Taishan, and constructed according to the terrain, the resort adopts a low-density, heavy-green, natural layout. Its exquisite and elegant layout, Southeast Asian style and garden-like environment constitute an ideal place for leisure and relaxation.
Address: Langnan Tongluodi Village, Baisha Town, Taishan
Tel: 0750-5813888

地址:恩平市大田镇朗底    电话:0750-7338668
★ Shan Quan Wan Hot Spring Resort, Enping
The resort boasts beautiful scenery, trees lush, undulating hills. When the moon shines among pines, clear springs babble over stones, and delightful fragrance fills the air, it looks like a dreamland..
Address: Langdi, Datian Township, Enping 
Tel: 0750-7338668

广东最美乡村Jiangmen’s Villages Included in Guangdong’s List 
of Most Beautiful Villages

The Guangdong Provincial Tourism Administration, in cooperation with the media, carried out a survey to find "the most beautiful villages in Guangdong" and selected two groups of villages which had been rated as the most beautiful by tourists, 30 in the category of "natural ecology" and 30 in the category of "culture and history".

★ Tianma (Sky Horse) Village, Xinhui  
Situated to the south of Xinhui urban area, the village is famous both inside and outside the country for a banyan tree covering 1 hectare and sheltering various kinds of birds and was voted one of “Guangdong’s Most Beautiful Villages” in the category of natural ecology.
Main Attraction: Xinhui Birds’ Paradise 
Address: 22 Yinhu Road Middle, Xinhui District   
Tel: 0750 -6300783

★ Zili Village, Kaiping 
Located in Tangkou, Kaiping City, the village is an important part of the Kaiping Diaolou and Villages, a world cultural heritage site. It was voted one of the most beautiful villages in the category of culture and history. 
Address: Tangkou Town, Kaiping City    
Tel: 0750 -2679078

★ Xiema Scholars Village, Enping
Situated in the middle of Enping and by the Jinjiang River, the village with a 670-year history was voted one of “Guangdong’s Most Beautiful Villages” in terms of history and culture. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties the village produced over 670 scholar officials.
Address: Shentang Town, Enping    
Tel: 0750 -7510138

★ Naji Stone Village, Enping 
Located in the west of Naji Township, Enping, the village features stone houses with a distinctive layout and of remarkable workmanship. It was voted one of “Guangdong’s Most Beautiful Villages” in terms of history and culture.
Address: Naxi Village, Naji Town, Enping  Tel: 0750 -7281321

★ Fenghuang (Phoenix) Ecological Park, Enping
The park is located between the Phoenix Hill and the Zhudan River on the outskirts of Enping City. It was voted one of “Guangdong’s Most Beautiful Villages” in terms of natural ecology and is a provincial-level ecological demonstration park.
Address: Xia-nan Village, Datian Town, Enping City  
Tel: 0750 -7323277


名人故居Former Residences of Prominent Figures of Jiangmen

地址:会城镇茶坑村        电话:0750-6390437    
★ Former residence of Liang Qichao
Liang Qichao, a native of Chakeng Village, Xinhui District, was a famous modern thinker, one of the major leaders of the Wuxu Reform or the Hundred Days' Reform, and is extolled as an encyclopedic-style cultural giant.
Address: Chakeng Village, Huicheng Town  
Tel: 0750 -6390437

地址:江门市白沙大道西        电话:0750-3560075
★ Chen Baisha Shrine
The shrine is located within the Chen Baisha Memorial compound. Chen Baisha, also known as Chen Xianzhang, was a Neo-Confucian philosopher, educator, calligrapher, and poet in the Ming Dynasty. He created the Lingnan or Southern Chinese School of traditional culture and ushered in the Ming-era Confucian study of the mind.
Address: Baisha Road West, Jiangmen   
Tel: 0750 -3560075

地址:江海区外海街道办事处南华里   电话:0750-3792507
★ Former Residence of Chen Shaobai
The house was situated at Waihai Town, Jianghai District. Chen Shaobai was listed as one of the “Four Big Brigands” along with Sun Yat-sen, You Lie and Yang Heling by the Qing government. He once served as the director of the Tung-Meng-Hui (United League) Hong Kong branch and advisor to the president of the Republic of China.
Address: Nanhua Lane, Waihai Town, Jianghai District  
Tel: 0750—3792507

地址:蓬江区棠下镇石头村坑塘里   电话:0750-3582391
★ Former Residence of Chen Yuan
Situated at Shitou (Stone) Village, Tangxia Town, Pengjiang District. Chen Yuan, a historian, educator, and a great master of Chinese national learning, was called a “national treasure” by Mao Zedong. He served as president of the Fu Jen Catholic University and Beijing Normal University.
Address: Shitou (Stone) Village, Tangxia Town, Pengjiang District
Tel: 0750 -3582391

★ Former Residence of Situ Mei-tang
Situated at Niulu Lane, Zhong-gu Village, Chikan Town, Kaiping City. Situ Meitang was a famous leader of overseas Chinese and served in the Central People’s Government and on the standing committees of the National People’s Congress and the CPPCC.
Address: Niulu Lane, Zhong-gu Village, Chikan Town, Kaiping 

★ Former Residence of Chen Yixi
Located at Meitang Village, Doushan Town, Taishan City.  Chen Yixi (Chin Yee Hee), a patriotic overseas Chinese, was responsible for the construction of Sun-ning Railroad, the longest one funded by overseas Chinese. He was an outstanding representative of the practitioners of national salvation by means of industry among overseas Chinese of Wuyi origin.
Address: Meitang Village, Doushan Town, Taishan

地址:恩平市牛江镇莲塘杏圃村  电话:0750-7631286
★ Former Residence of Feng Ru
Located at Liantang Xingpu Village, Niujiang Town, Enping City. Feng Ru was China's first aircraft designer and manufacturer and a famous aviator. In September 1909, he successfully developed China’s first powered and manned aircraft, and has thus been known as "the father of China’s aviation".
Address: Liantang Xingpu Village, Niujiang Town, Enping City
Tel: 0750-7631286

历史文化古迹Jiangmen's Historical and Cultural Sites

江门历史文化底蕴深厚,古迹众多,宋元“崖门海战古战场”、棠下“良溪古村”、歇马“举人村” 、“开平碉楼”和“台山洋楼”等是其中的部分见证。
Jiangmen has rich historical and cultural heritage. The site of the Yamen ancient sea battle at the turn of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the Liangxi Ancient Village at Tangxia Town, the Xiema Scholars Village, Kaiping Diaolou towers and Taishan Western-style houses are part of the proof.

岭南儒城Jiangmen, a Confucianism Center in South China


Chen Xianzhang was a great master of the Confucian theory of the mind during the Ming Dynasty and was the only Confucian scholar in South China honored at the Confucian Temple. He has been extolled as the True Confucian Master and the “First Confucian Man in Lingnan Region”. He advocated the academic thought of seeking from the heart (mind) and broke through the boredom caused by the reign of Cheng Hao and Zhu Xi's idealistic Neo-Confucianism and created the Jiangmen School characterized by taking Tao as the basis, learning from nature and self-exploration. Baisha Village, Xinhui (currently under jurisdiction of Pengjiang District) was the place where Chen Xianzhang was born, grew up and retired. Jiangmen area occupies an important place in the inheritance, innovation and development of Confucianism.

民俗文化Folk Culture
Jiangmen Wuyi region enjoys colorful folk customs and manners. Kaiping, Taishan, and Xinhui were named "Hometowns of Chinese Folk Art" and Taicheng, Doushan, and Hetang Towns respectively won the titles of "Hometown of Guangdong Music," “Hometown of Flying Colors" and “Hometown of Gauze Dragon Dance".

侨乡美食Gourmet Food in Jiangmen 

The diet in Jiangmen region mainly consists of Cantonese dishes and its snacks are mainly congee, dim sum and field snails, which are all light food. Its various local specialty foods including all-fish dinners, all-chicken dinners, all-sheep dinners, all-seafood dinners and all-river-fish dinners, vegetables grown on fields reclaimed from the sea in Xinhui, Gujing roast geese, Kaiping Shuikou fermented bean curd, Jinshan smoked garlic, Taishan Guanghai salted fish, Xiachuan shrimp sauce, Sijiu watermelon, Enping lecai, rice noodles, baked sesame-seed cakes, mugwort cakes, ravine fish porridge, valley snails, and Gulao sauce are all very popular , to, tourists.




服务信息Service Information

供电价格Electricity prices

基本电价为变压器容量23元/ KVA•月,最大需量32元/KW•月。
电度电价(不满1千伏)为92.38分/千瓦时(含税);(1-10千伏)为89.88分/千瓦时(含税) ;(35千伏及以上)为87.38 分/千瓦时(含税)。

台山, 市、开平市、恩平市(列入广东, 省东西两, 翼电价价区):
基本电价为变压器容量23元/ KVA•月,最大, 需量32元/KW•月。
电度电价(不满1千伏)为85.55分/千瓦时(含税);(1-10千伏)为83.05分/千瓦时(含税) ;(35千伏及以上)为80.55 分/千瓦时(含税)。

Pengjiang , Jianghai , Xinhui , Heshan
For large industrial enterprises:

※The basic price for each unit of transformer capacity is 23 yuan / KW•month and 32 yuan/KW•month for maximum demand.

The unit price of electricity is 0.7142 yuan/KWH for capacity range (1-10 kV) (tax included), 0.6892 yuan/KWH (tax included) for capacity range 35-110 kV, and 0.6642 yuan/KWH (tax included) for the capacity range of 220 kV and above);
※The price of electricity for general industry: 0.9238 yuan/KWH (tax included) for the capacity range of under 1 KV; 0.8988 yuan/KWH for the capacity range of 1-10 kV (tax included); and 0.8738 for the capacity range of 35 kV and above
※The price for consumption by agriculture is 0.6461yuan/kwh (tax included).

Taishan, Kaiping and Enping (included in the preferential power 
price zones for the east and west of Guangdong province)

For large industrial enterprises:

※The basic price for each unit of transformer capacity is 23 yuan / KW•month and 32 yuan/KW•month for maximum demand.

The unit price of electricity is 0.6265 yuan/KWH for capacity range (1-10 kV) (tax included), 0.6015 yuan/KWH (tax included) for capacity range 35-110 kV, and 0.5765 yuan/KWH (tax included) for the capacity range of 220 kV and above);
※The price of electricity for general industry: 0.8555 yuan/KWH (tax included) for the capacity range of under 1 KV; 0.8305 yuan/KWH for the capacity range of 1-10 kV (tax included); and 0.8055 for the capacity range of 35 kV and above
※The price for consumption by agriculture is 0.6561yuan/kwh (tax included).

服务单位联系方式Service Contacts

行政服务中心                                (0750)12345
市政府信息查阅中心                (0750)3871488
发展和改革局                           (0750)3871188
经济和信息化局                       (0750)3871393
人力资源和社会保障局            (0750)3871268
环境和资源保护局                   (0750)3871166
住房和城乡建设局                   (0750)3871177
工商局                                  (0750)3871044
地税局                                  (0750)3871322
商务局                                  (0750)3871089
国土资源局                           (0750)3871298
城乡规划局                           (0750)3871290
国税局                                  (0750)3871463

Jiangmen Administrative Service Center:                                           (0750)12345 
Jiangmen Government Information Enquiry Center:                      (0750)3871488
Jiangmen Development and Reform Bureau:                                 (0750)3871188
Jiangmen Economy and Informationization Bureau:                      (0750)3871268 
Jiangmen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau:                 (0750)3871268 
Jiangmen Environmental and Resources Protection Bureau:           (0750)3871166
Jiangmen Bureau of Housing and Urban and Rural Development:   (0750)3871177
Jiangmen Commerce and Industry Administration:                     (0750)3871044
Jiangmen Local Tax Bureau:                                                       (0750)3871322 
Jiangmen Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations:        (0750)3871089
Jiangmen Land and Resources Bureau:                                       (0750)3871298 
Jiangmen Urban and Rural Planning Bureau:                              (0750)3871290 
Jiangmen National Tax Bureau:                                                  (0750)3871463


服务信息  Travel Service Information

1、 航空服务Air Travel
         电话:(0750)3273323 3273333
         电话:0750-3166333   0750-3166332

(1) Baiyun Air Travel Service Center
Address: 100 Yuejin Road, Jiangmen City
Tel: (0750) 3273323   3273333

(2) Baiyun Air Travel Service Center Xinhui Office
Address: 55 Zhizheng Road South, Xinhui District
Tel: (0750) 6604833

(3) Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Jiangmen Waiting Hall
Address: East Wing of Yucca Hotel, 116 Ying Bin Avenue, Jiangmen City
Tel: 0750-3166333   0750-3166332
The first coach starts at 06:00 and the last at 18:40 
with an average interval of 50 minutes between two consecutive coaches.

2、 长途客运Long-distance Passenger Transpor

(1) Jiangmen General Bus Station
Address: 3rd Jiangshe Road (at the intersection between Jiangmen-Sha’ping Road and Wu Huan Road and opposite the Huangzhuang Driving Test Ground), Jiangmen City
Tel: (0750) 3881888

(2) Jiangmen Shengli Bus Station 
The station dispatches 18 coaches to Hong Kong and 13 to Macau every day. 
Address: 38 Shengli Road, Jiangmen City
Tel: (0750) 3334912


3、 出租车Taxi Service
南安出租车(0750)  3168888
汽运出租车(0750)  3501000
Nan-an Taxi: (0750) 3168888 
Qiyun Taxi: (0750) 3501000

4、 港澳航运Ferries to Hong Kong and Macao
(0750)3773220  3370082

江门—香港  08:15   15:00
香港—江门  11:30   18:00

Jiangmen, Hong Kong and Macau Joint Passenger Transp. Co., Ltd. 
(Jiangmen Hong Kong and Macao Ferry Terminal)

Address: 1 Jin'ou Road, Jianghai District, Jiangmen City

Jiangmen Hong Kong and Macao Ferry Terminal: Departure Times: 15:00
 (to Hong Kong);  08:30 (From Hong Kong to Jiangmen).

The company offers free rides for passenger to and from passenger terminal.  
Inquiry Tel:  (0750)3773220

In addition, the Jiangmen Port is due to add two ferry liners to and from Hong Kong as follows:
Jiangmen – Hongkong departures: 15:00   08:15
Hongkong -- Jiangmen departures: 18:00   11:30

5、 广珠城际轨道交通  The Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Rail
Every day numerous EMU trains run between Guangzhou South and Xinhui Station, at 50-minute intervals. Specific train departure times are subject to the announcement of the Station.

常用电话及网站  A List of Commonly Used Telephone Numbers 
and Websites

报警     Police                                                  110
市话障碍台     Telephone trouble-shooting                          112
电话查号     Directory assistance                                  114
火警     Fire                                                   119
医疗急救中心     Emergency and first aid center                    120
天气预报     Weather forecast                                     121
交通事故报警     Traffic accident reporting                             122
政府服务热线     Government hotline                                   12345
供电服务     Power supply service                          (0750) 95598
供水服务     Water supply service                       (0750)3300333

中心医院急诊室 Jiangmen Central Hospital Emergency Room  (0750)3373123
五邑中医院急诊室 Wuyi Chinese Medicine Hospital Emergency Room  (0750)3513223
人民医院急诊室 Jiangmen People's Hospital Emergency Room  (0750)3333511
江门市妇幼保健院(江门市儿童医院)急诊室Jiangmen Maternal and Child Care Hospital
 (Jiangmen Children's Hospital) Emergency Room  (0750)7361115

消费者委员会     Consumer Council (0750)3380315
价格投诉电话     Price Complaints (0750)12358
旅游投诉电话     Tourism Complaint (0750)3515566

◎“ 江门市人民政府 ” 门户网站(http://www.jiangmen.gov.cn)

◎Jiangmen Government Online: http://www.jiangmen.gov.cn
◎Jiangmen News Net: http://www.jmnews.com.cn
◎Jiangmen International Net: http://www.jiangmen.gd.cn
◎Jiangmen Cable TV & Broadband Net: http://www.jmcatv.com.cn
◎Jiangmen Municipal Government Information Office's official 
   micro-blog: @jiangmenfabu
◎Jiangmen Municipal Government Information Office's Official 
   Wechat Account: @jiangmenfabu


Jiangmen, A Land of World Cultural 
Heritage and China's No. 1 Homeland 
of Overseas Chinese

广东省江门市人民政府新闻办公室    编
Jiangmen Municipal People's Government  
Information Office  

电子邮箱 : jmwxb@21cn.com

Jiangmen Municipal People's Government  Information Office  
Tel: (0750) 3272500, 3272522, 3272519 
Fax: (0750) 3353967 
E-mail: jmwxb@21cn.com 
Address: No. 6 Building, 1 Baisha Road West, Jiangmen City

友情链接 江门侨联中国侨联中国侨网江门市海外人才网江门政务网江门市海归人员发展联合会亲情中华网

版权所有:江门侨界青年联合会    44070308000795  地址:中国广东省江门市建设路26号   Email:jmqqh@126.com
电话:18933096374   传真:0750-3335022    邮编:529000 粤ICP备08112776号-1